Support for you
Victim Care Merseyside is a single point of contact for victims of crime living in Merseyside. Our team of trained and knowledgeable staff are here to provide emotional and practical support tailored to your needs. Request Support
Victims' Code
The Victims’ Code sets out the service you can expect from the moment you report a crime to the end of a trial in court. The Victims' Code

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Victim Care Merseyside
If you've been affected by crime, we are here to help
Our hub of local, trained staff are here to offer you free, confidential, non-judgemental advice and support.
You can contact Victim Care Merseyside for help whether you have reported a crime to the police or not.
Call Freephone
0808 175 3080
Open weekdays between 8am and 6pm
Request support online with our
Request support form
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Specialist support services
These services are commissioned by Merseyside's Police and Crime Commissioner to deliver specialist support to help you cope and recover from the crime you have suffered

Aftercare for victims of rape and sexual assault
This service provides dedicated aftercare support service, including essential crisis counselling and therapeutic support to anyone affected by sexual violence at any time in their lives.
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Child exploitation support service
This service supports any young person across Merseyside who are experiencing or at risk of sexual or criminal exploitation.
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Harmful practices support service
This service works to tackle, and support the victims of, culturally specific abuse, including forced marriage and female genital mutilation.
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Hate crime support services
If you’ve been affected by hate crime, you can access support from a number of organisations tailored to the type of abuse you have suffered.
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Homicide Victims' Advice Centre
The Hub is a one-stop shop providing emotional and practical support for any family affected by homicide, including culpable road deaths.
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Restorative Justice
Restorative justice brings together people harmed by crime or conflict with those responsible for the harm, to find a positive way forward. It aims to give victims a voice.
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In your area
Find support organisations who can help close to home

Support organisations working in Knowsley
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Support organisations working in Liverpool
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Support organisations working in Sefton
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St Helens
Support organisations working in St Helens
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Support organisations working on the Wirral
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