Click below to find help according to what time of crime you have been affected by and in which area of Merseyside you live, or alternatively take a look at the the full list of organisations on hand to help underneath.

Aftermath Support
We support all victims of road incidents, their families and carers including other drivers and witnesses, across Merseyside.
- 0151 7772562 or 0845 634 4273
- [email protected]

Amadudu Women’s Refuge
A refuge for women and children fleeing domestic abuse.
- 0151 734 0083
- [email protected]

Anthony Walker Foundation
The Foundation offers personal support to individuals and families experiencing hate crime.
- 0151 237 3974
- [email protected]

The Bullybusters team work in schools and youth projects across Merseyside to raise awareness of bullying, including the many different forms of bullying, how bullying makes you feel, why people bully others and, most importantly, what young people can do if they feel they are being bullied.
- 0800 169 6928
- [email protected]

Catch22 is a social business which works at every stage of the social welfare cycle to support people from cradle to career.
- 079792 41502
- [email protected]

Centre 56 Women & Children's Aid Centre
Centre 56 provides information sessions and support for women and children who have suffered or are at risk of domestic abuse.
- 0151 727 1355
- [email protected]

Change Grow Live
Change Grow Live is an integrated recovery service based in Knowsley to help people of all ages suffering from alcohol and drug addiction.
- 0151 482 6291
- [email protected]

Community Safe
Community Safe are the only Merseyside specialist in designing out crime, we combine Architecture & Crime Prevention to protect buildings, neighbourhoods and communities.
- 07940522093
- [email protected]

Daisy Inclusive UK
Daisy Inclusive UK is a disability-led organisation that supports disabled people including those with complex needs and their families to live independent and inclusive lives through engagement activities, building confidence and self-esteem.
- 0151 261 0309
- [email protected]

DMAT Services Limited
DMAT specialise in the Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme. This service is aimed at supporting positive long term change and promoting the construction of healthy relationships.
- 0151 427 8348
- [email protected]

Families Fighting for Justice
We are a peer support group for families bereaved by homicide.
- 0151 709 2994
- [email protected]

Irish Community Care Merseyside
Irish Community Care is a registered charity which exists to respond to the needs of both the Irish and Irish Traveller communities, including people of Irish heritage.
- 0151 237 3987
- [email protected]

Knowsley Disability Concern (KDC)
Knowsley Disability Concern has been supporting local people who face challenges by reason of their disability for more than 30 years.
- 0151 480 4090
- [email protected]

Kooth offers free, safe and anonymous digital mental health support to all young people aged 11-25 across Merseyside.
- 020 3984 9337
- [email protected]

Listening Ear
Adult service - Listening Ear provides high-quality, non-discriminatory, evidence-based counselling services to beneficiaries presenting with mild to moderate mental health issues.
- 0151 488 6648
- [email protected]

Liverpool Domestic Abuse Service
LDAS provide advice, information and support to women suffering domestic abuse to help them stay safe and live free from fear.
- 0151 263 7474
- [email protected]

Liverpool Independent Domestic Violence Advisory Service
The Liverpool IDVA service support victims/survivors of domestic abuse who are risk assessed as high risk of harm.
- 0151 482 2483
- [email protected]

Merseyside Domestic Violence Service Ltd (MDVS)
MDVS provides a free, confidential, non-judgemental educational, advice and support service for women, families and young people whose lives have been affected in some way by the issues related to Domestic abuse, sexual violence, coercive control and abuse.
- 07802 722 703
- [email protected]

Michael Causer Foundation
We aim to challenge prejudice against, prevent or alleviate the risk of homelessness and improve life chances for vulnerable LGBT young people. We have identified three key service aims; educate, accommodate and motivate.
- 0151 489 1222
- [email protected]

National Stalking Helpline
The National Stalking Helpline is a non-judgmental service for anyone affected by stalking and harassment. We respond to nearly 3,000 victims of stalking each year.
- 0808 802 0300

Our Lost Love Years (OLLY)
OLLY supports children bereaved by homicide.
- 0151 709 2994
- [email protected]

Pagoda Arts Centre
At the Pagoda Chinese Community centre we can provide interpreting, translation, victim support and helping report hate crimes/other crimes for any Chinese speaking person looking for help.
- 07542 339 019
- [email protected]

Qwell offers offers free, safe and anonymous digital mental health support to adults 18+ across Merseyside.
- 020 3984 9337
- [email protected]

Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Cheshire and Merseyside) - Knowsley
We provide advice, support and information to anyone affected by sexual violence. This could be something that happened recently or in the past.
- 0330 363 0063 / 0151 218 7960
- [email protected]

Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Cheshire and Merseyside) - St Helens
We provide advice, support and information to anyone affected by sexual violence. This could be something that happened recently or in the past.
- 0330 363 0063 / 01744 877987
- [email protected]

RASA Merseyside
RASA provides essential crisis and therapeutic support to individuals who have been affected by sexual violence at any time in their lives.
- 0151 558 1801
- [email protected]

Safe Place Merseyside - Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
SAFE Place Merseyside is the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) for the Merseyside area.
- 0151 295 3550

Sahir House
Sahir House has been offering HIV support, information and training across Merseyside since 1985.
- 0151 272 0628
- [email protected]

Savera UK
Savera UK is a leading charity tackling culturally specific abuse, including forced marriage and female genital mutilation. We advocate for those who need a voice and offer a completely confidential and non-judgemental service.
- 0800 107 0726 for General Enquiry's call 0330 159 2004
- [email protected]

Sefton IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor) Team
We are an experienced team of advocates who support high risk victims of domestic abuse.
- 0151 934 5142
- [email protected]

South Liverpool Domestic Abuse Service (SLDAS)
FREE and accessible support to women who experience domestic violence or abuse.
- 0151 494 1777 or 0800 083 7114
- [email protected]

Stop Hate UK
Stop Hate UK is one of the leading national organisations working to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity and provides independent, confidential and accessible reporting and support for people directly affected by Hate Crime, witnesses and third parties.
- 0800 138 1625
- [email protected]

SWACA (Sefton Women & Childrens Aid)
SWACA provide holistic services to women, young people and children affected by Domestic Abuse offering both effective crisis intervention and early intervention and preventative services.
- 0151 3941 400
- [email protected]

Talk to Frank
FRANK helps you find out everything you might want to know about drugs (and some stuff you don't).
- 0300 123 6600 / Text: 82111
- [email protected]

The First Step
We are a specialist domestic abuse agency providing support for people who are victims/survivors of domestic abuse.
- 0151 548 3333
- [email protected]

The HUB is a gateway to support for families bereaved by homicide.
- 0151 709 2994 / 07740 149 899 (24 Hour Line)
- [email protected]

The Lighthouse Centre Wirral
Supporting women and children through domestic abuse.
- 0151 644 4839
- [email protected]

Tomorrow's Women Wirral
Tomorrow’s Women Wirral is an independent charity supporting women to make permanent, positive lifestyle changes through targeted interventions, ongoing support and specialist advise within a women-only safe environment, inclusive of women within the criminal justice system and those on the periphery of offending.
- 0151 647 7907
- [email protected]

Wirral Family Safety Unit - Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service
We provide support to victims and their families who are experiencing domestic abuse. We also provide support for people experiencing or at risk from harmful practices; honour based abuse and forced marriage.
- 0151 666 4914

Young Addaction Liverpool
Young Addaction give free and confidential information, advice and support to young people aged 10 to 19 around drug and alcohol use.
- 0151 706 9747
- [email protected]

Action Fraud
Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime.
- 0300 123 2040

Money Advice Service - Free, confidential and impartial money advice service that can help with everything from budgeting to borrowing, savings to mortgages.
- 0800 678 1602

ASB Help
ASB Help is a national UK charity seeking to assist victims of anti-social behaviour as to their rights – who they should report the anti-social behaviour to and crucially, what to do if they do not get a satisfactory response.
- [email protected]

Support for bereaved and seriously injured victims of road crashes.
- 0808 8000 401
- [email protected]

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
CALM provides a helpline and online webchat service. Both are specifically designed for men and are staffed by trained and skilled helpline workers who provide support, information and signposting.
- 0800 58 58 58
- [email protected]

CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection
The National Crime Agency (NCA) CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account.
- 0870 000 3344

ChildLine is a service which is provided by the NSPCC.
- 0800 1111

Citizens Advice
We provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice and information to the public on a wide range of issues as well as specialist advice and representation in Welfare Benefits, Debt and Housing.
- 0800 144 8848

Cruse Bereavement Care
Grief is a natural process, but it can be devastating. Cruse Bereavement Care are here to support you after the death of someone close.
- 08088081677
- [email protected]

Embrace - Child Victims of Crime
Embrace CVOC is a national charity (no. 1043101) for child victims of crime, providing a range of practical and emotional support for young victims up to the age of 18.
- 0345 60 999 60
- [email protected]

Home Office Forced Marriage Unit
The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) is a joint Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Home Office unit set up in January 2005 to lead on the Government’s forced marriage policy, outreach and casework.
- +44 (0) 20 7008 0151
- [email protected]

Hourglass (previously Action on Elder Abuse)
We work to protect, and prevent the abuse of, vulnerable older adults and by doing so we also protect other adults at risk of abuse.
- 080 8808 8141
- [email protected]

Ivison Trust
Ivison Trust offers parents and carers of children who are sexually exploited, or at risk of sexual exploitation, access to an on-going and long term free telephone-based support and information.
- 0113 240 3040

Karma Nirvana
Karma Nirvana provide practical and emotional support, a confidential service for victims and survivors via our Honour Network Helpline: 0800 5 999 247 or by emailing [email protected]
Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.
- 0800 5999 247
- [email protected]

We provide training, support and advice to children, parents, schools and those in professional contact with young people, we enable them to gain knowledge and develop the confidence and skills to challenge abuse and bullying in all its forms.
- 07496 682785
- [email protected]

LGBT Foundation
The LGBT Foundation is a national charity that works to support health, wellbeing, and safeguarding to those in need within the LGBT+ community.
- [email protected]

Men's Advice Line
Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for male victims of domestic abuse.
- 0808 801 0327
- [email protected]

Mermaids is passionate about supporting children, young people, and their families to achieve a happier life in the face of great adversity.
- 0808 801 0400
- [email protected]

National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC)
NAPAC is an organisation run by survivors for survivors, and aims to empower, support and help adult survivors of any form of childhood abuse. NAPAC utilise our vast experience, insight and knowledge to run our services.
- 0808 801 0331
- [email protected]

Don't wait until you're certain if you are worried about a child. If you have any concerns, contact our free helpline service to speak to an NSPCC advisor 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- 0808 800 5000

Are you experiencing domestic violence?Do you know of someone who is experiencing abuse and may need help and support?
- 0808 2000 247
- [email protected]

Respect Phoneline
Respect Phoneline is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for domestic abuse perpetrators and those supporting them.
- 0808 802 4040
- [email protected]

Restitute supports third party victims of crime – the parents, carers, partners, siblings and loved ones of people who have survived sexual abuse, sexual violence or other serious violence including domestic violence.
- [email protected]

Rights of Women
Rights of Women provides free, confidential legal advice to women on family law and domestic violence, sexual violence and criminal law, and immigration and asylum law.
- [email protected]

RoadPeace is the national charity for road crash victims. We provide emotional and practical support to victims.
- 0800 160 1069
- [email protected]

SANE a national mental health charity providing emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental health issues.
- 0300 304 7000
- [email protected]

The Mix
Get Connected is a free and confidential UK wide helpline for young people under 25 who need help and don’t know where to turn.
- 0808 808 4994

Victim Support
We offer free and confidential practical and emotional support to victims of crime.
- 08 08 16 89 111

WeMatter is a video-based digital service for children and young people (CYP) who have been affected by domestic abuse.
- 0300 373 0258
- [email protected]