Home Office Forced Marriage Unit

The Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) is a joint Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Home Office unit set up in January 2005 to lead on the Government’s forced marriage policy, outreach and casework.

It operates both inside the UK, where support is provided to any individual, and overseas, where consular assistance is provided to British nationals, including dual nationals.

The FMU operates a public helpline to provide advice and support to victims of forced marriage as well as to professionals dealing with cases. The assistance provided ranges from simple safety advice, through to aiding a victim to prevent their unwanted spouse moving to the UK (‘reluctant sponsor’ cases), and, in extreme circumstances, to rescues of victims held against their will overseas.

Who we support...

  • All

What we can help with...

  • Advice and support


  • Knowsley
  • Liverpool
  • Sefton
  • St Helens
  • Wirral

Opening hours...

Please see our website for details.