Find out more about how Judy was supported by an ISVA.
Judy is a client who Armistead first met several years ago. She came from a family of entrenched substance misusers and a sex working mum; she has experienced serious sexual violence several times and has never been willing to report to the police for fear of not being believed. Of late, we knew that she was experiencing domestic abuse and having to maintain her own habit and that of her partner. She was subject to MARAC and had suffered terrible violence from this man. Due to the pressure to bring money home, this meant that she was working in places that put her at risk and taking more chances.
On one particular evening, she got in a car with a man who she believed was a punter (i.e. he was going to pay her for sexual activity) however, it transpired that he was not and things soon took a sinister turn. This male allegedly raped Judy and sexually assaulted her. It came to our attention that this event had taken place and we encouraged Judy to report via Ugly Mugs due to her reluctance to speak with police.
Due to the ISVA support, Judy confided in the ISVA and ultimately gave a full video interview to the police; however she was still in the grip of her addiction and in the abusive relationship. The ISVA worked with partner agencies to secure a place at a detoxification centre. Judy successfully completed her detox and gave a 2nd video interview to the police. She left detox and partner agencies found her secure, safe accommodation she no longer wanted to return her to the chaos of her previous life. Judy had been empowered and began daytime activities and continues to grow, maintain her drug free lifestyle and is awaiting a CPS decision on her case.